Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Can you Say...

Weddings are in the air???

Okay, so not mine but my big sis's!

And yes I did go flower shopping for her today...Very exciting. :)

I love the Fall time!

Monday, September 14, 2009


There is nothing better than getting a speech done and out of the way...and it going splendidly. :)

Ahh yes cockscomb...such a pretty plant...or is it really...A Troll???

YOU Decide! :p

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Tuh Duh!!!!

I Posted!!!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I am Lord willing going to be cleaning my room and packing in the early hours of the morning, going off to sell plants for 8 hours and then finally making a long flight to see my best friend. All in all it is looking good.

In other news, today at work I almost fainted probably from a lack of water and more excitingly got an offer from a couple asking if I would do some design work for them on the side. Which I am quite thrilled about since this is my first non church/family offer of design work. :)

I'm off to be productive. Toodles!

Monday, May 25, 2009

I am officially...

more tan than my father...and yet my farmers tan is incredibly frightening...I weep for myself.

In brighter news I manged to weed a giant bed at my house, cut a tree down and am going to design a petunia fountain in the center until we put a new tree planted in the fall. I am very excited!

Three days!

Friday, May 22, 2009

At work the other day...

I sold plants, took a ride in a police car and helped throw three people in jail...more on that later or better yet you should ask me.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Mountain Dew...

is a wonderful thing...but probably a bad plan when it is 11:00 at night. Woe is me! I am getting one wicked farmers tan and bleached out hair. I am really not sure how that's gonna all turn out hmmmmmm.

On a lighter note I am Lord willing going to an Atlanta Braves game on Thursday with my family! Woohoo!!! This will be a lovely break from work since I am working 6 out of 7 days this week. (Thank the Lord for Sundays and time to rest and worship)

In other exciting news. I now have guinea pigs for lunches so I will be cooking to my hearts content. I still miss my other 11 guinea pigs though.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I managed....

to take out several thumb nail size flies in my work room's kitchen...I was very pleased. No more evil buzzing while you try to eat in peace!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


My feet hurt...

Thursday, May 7, 2009

I'll be back...

Well sports fans...I'm back finally after several finals and a move. I finally have a couple minutes for an update.

Well by God's grace I survived all of my finals. I definitely didn't have to stay up almost all night several nights to make it though them. Nope, not me. It was an amazing feeling to hand in that last final and walk out free as a bird.
After throwing some clothes in a suit case I headed out to Fall Creek Falls for a couple days to relax with my parents. It poured rain the whole time but I still got to go fishing so it's all good. (Okay, so I only caught three fish and my Dad caught like 20, but that is besides the point)

After that my parents and I then went out to Cracker Barrel with my lovely adopted family. Where we played checkers, ate good food and laughed. Amusingly the waitress decided to skip me twice since she didn't seem to consider me a child or adult...just what does that make you exactly?

I decided to stay in Knoxville till Sunday so I could see all my friends from church and bid them my goodbyes before moving back home. After which I came home and had to start packing my belongings. Amber and Kaitlin were amazing and helped me get everything packed up very quickly while the rest of the family helped me carry it all out to my car. (I think they were just trying to get rid of me faster :p) Well, the dreaded time of saying goodbyes came...I actually managed to delay an hour longer than I had intended to. Once I had finally managed to peel myself away from everybody I got in my car and headed towards Kingsport. (I definitely did not cry on the way home...me cry? That would be silly) I love you Mom and Pops and all the kiddos and miss you bunches!

So here I am back in Kingsport and have already worked some 30 odd hours at my new job in a local nursery. I have been given a position in the shrub department which has been quite a challenge. I know a lot about flowers but little about shrubs so this has been great. I love all the people I work with and my mentor is super sweet and helpful.

Anyway, I will go more into detail later. Now I am off to attack my house and clean it while everyone is gone. (I am very excited! I mean it!) I love cleaning when everyone is gone. Hehe, and the large pile of all my stuff in the hall way desperately needs some unpacking. So this is me signing out!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Gardening Blog Idea...

Well, as you all can tell my blog has not had a whole lot of inspiration as of late.
I have been contemplating about whether or not to write about different plants that would be great additions to your landscape and or landscaping ideas...(Considering that is what I am majoring in)

I would love questions about anything plant/landscape related. If you give them I will find the best answer I can for you. Believing in short and sweet posts I will end this post here.
But be warned I will talk about plants till you are green in the thumb.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

*Scary Shark Music*

Oh yes...you know that tune...

Midterms...Enough said

Monday, March 2, 2009


Rule # 1 I have tons of homework...
Rule # 2 The best way to fix this problem is playing monster.
Rule # 3 Monster is very addictive with 8 laughing and running children. :)

The basic premise of the game is the couch is jail and if I catch you then I get to carry you (If you are smaller than me) to jail tickling all the way and several times after. Once in jail there is no talking to warn the fellow kids. Then the kids have to try and tag each other to get out of jail without being tackled and brought back to jail.

Since it is Not Me Monday I under no circumstances played monster for over an hour and half non stop and kept the children up waaaaaay past there bed time with no convincing. :p I definitely did not ignore the clock so this would happen. I did not run and jump around like a monkey after them roaring as I went and laughing just as much as they did.

Hehe, I have to say monster is one of the best games to play with all the kids and I had a blast. Shew...I am officially worn out, but we will definitely have to do it again sometime very soon :)

P.S. I am definitely not writing a blog post instead of attending to my homework.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Suzanne is currently sleeping in a room with four Geckos and is beginning to think they are out to get her...
One of them is a crocodile gecko and made very angry hissing noises... I wonder if they eat meat because the tofu bribes aren't working!!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Introduction Part 1

>Well I decided it was definitely time for me to make a semi decent post. (Annnnnd a good excuse to get away from homework for a bit) The night is escaping me so I can’t tarry too long on here. I figured a brief introduction of my family and myself was at least warranted (You’re in for it now, don’t say I didn’t warn you!)

I originally come from Kingsport, TN where my wonderful family and I have lived for about 18 years. I have 2 amazing parents and 3 siblings. (Really 4 amazing parents if you count my adopted parents and 9 siblings but more on them later).

My dad is a gastroenterologist, if you know what that is, well you have probably had a run in with his type and you have my greatest pity. My mom is a stay at home mother who has home schooled me K-12 which is quite a feat. Both of my parents have been training me up in God’s word my entire life and I owe them a debt I can never repay.

My oldest sister and her husband now live in FL. And are the proud parents of the most adorable twin girls in the world with another baby on the way. My second oldest sister is working on her masters in business and making yummy food left and right. My baby brother now 17 and a short 6’4” wants to be a chemist which is just scary... Can you say explosives?

Well I guess that leaves…oh me. By the grace of God alone I have managed to survive to the ripe old age of 19 years. I am currently in my second semester at The University of Tennessee studying landscape design and loving every minute of it. I love alllllll kinds of things like music, walks, being outside, sunny days, stormy days, taking over the world, movies, reading, cooking, dancing…you name it. Anything but a desk job would basically be my motto.

Well this is a short intro but I think I shall end it here and in my next post I will have to add pictures and introduce you to my adopted family. :)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Tuh Duh!

Oh yes, I have now officially created a blog...Be afraid be very afraid! More to follow...